Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sweet Potato Hash

Happy Father's Day!
I am so thankful for a dad that taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work. I don't think I know many people who work as hard as he does. He gave me my love for sports, particularity for the Yankees and the Huskers! I get my strong opinions and desire to share them from him. He taught me the importance of education and that to continue to learn for the entirety of your lifetime. This man raised me in a good Christian home and taught me that it's about a relationship with our creator not about religious actions. And he showed me so significantly his respect for my mother. Happy Father's Day Dad...I know you don't care all that much about food, so here's my tribute to you! 

Ok, now for the reason why you all came here, FOOD...

I don't know why I didn't think of this recipe before! It is a total win in our home. It comes from the love of the traditional greasy crispy fried corned beef hash that the family loves to eat on a regular basis. But it's so greasy and salty and we don't generally eat white potatoes either. I a so happy to share this Sweet Potato Hash with you! I wish you could all come over for breakfast to try it! It is ooohh, so yummy, you won't believe that is a "better for you" recipe! Now I'm not going to act like my new version of Hash is all healthy, but it is tons healthier than the version we used to eat.

I made mine on a whim a few days ago, and it was perfect! So just for fun, I searched for a recipe on-line to compare. I have no desire to try any of the recipes that I came across...this one is perfect, it tasted perfect, the warrior and the princess cleaned their plates and wanted more! I don't blame is really good and super easy!

Anyway, I better get going. This one is on the menu this morning for a little warrior and princess to bring their superman dad for breakfast in bed! I am so extremely thankful that my children have a loving and dedicated dad to celebrate today! Happy Father's Day Superman! Happy Father's Day to all you dads! 

Sweet Potato Hash

1lb breakfast sausage
1 sweet potatoe
1/2 onion
4 garlic cloves

4 eggs (optional)

Wash and dice the sweet potatoes into small pieces. I kept the peeling on, there's nutrition in there! Boil the potatoes in a medium pot of hot water until they are fork tender...not mushy. Brown the breakfast sausage over medium heat in a large skillet. Dice the onion and mince the garlic while the the sausage is browning. When the the sausage is just about done, drain the grease, do not rise it under water, you don't want to rinse off that great flavor! Just drain it. When the potatoes are done, drain the water and add them to the cooked sausage and turn the heat on the skillet to med-high. It needs to be HOT! Add the onion and garlic. Press down the meat mixture and cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Stir and press down again and cook for another 2- 3  minutes. If it looks crispy, then it's done. If not, press down again and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes. The goal is for nice crispy crunchy potatoes...not burned! I topped mine with a fried egg for each serving.  

Oh, yummy! Go make some now! You'll start keeping sweet potatoes and sausage on hand after this one!



1 comment:

  1. Ummm, I LOVE this! I'm going to add the Kielbasa like you did this morning, too! Thanks Girlfriend!
