Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Moment In Time

Today was one of those sweet days...you know the kind when you think about the events of the day and the last several months and then you hold those captured moments in your mind and you can't help but sigh and grin!
Today was little Warrior's preschool graduation/end of the year program. His class didn't really "graduate" from preschool, they were all 3 when they started last fall and will have a second year of preschool this fall before starting Kindergarten. But it was definitely a milestone in his little life. We love his school. It is an amazing private school and we plan on him and his princess sister continuing their education there. We love his school and we LOVE his teachers and we love the family atmosphere of the entire organization. Anyway, I am just amazed at all of his progress through the last 9 months. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!  The passion he has for life is aspiring! I am so proud of the young guy he is! And even better, he is proud of himself too!

They sang the sweetest songs!
His Preschool Teachers, whom we love dearly. Unfortunately one is moving out of state, she made my son feel welcomed and loved at school every day and will be greatly missed. 

I love this guy more than words can express and am so thankful to be his mama.


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